
Kxela Works Blog! Your random source of entertainment of arts, anime, manga, games, arcade, pop culture straight from Tokyo! Or, at least for now! :D *Lately its been Hobby, Figures, Movies, and events...but I'll do more arts!

NEW Subtokyo Vlog

Sunday, May 22, 2011

More Madoka!!! and Shonen Jump Collection!!! Vlog 44

Cleaned up my room and organized all my Shonen Jump Books. Surprisingly, I found every single one I bought.

More Madoka!! New Oriko Magica and Kazumi magica make me happy :D Yayyyyy

Art Links:
*Oriko Magica Fanart: http://fav.me/d3gutig
New Madoka Colored Drawing: http://fav.me/d3g5dmz
Lost Invisible Page: http://fav.me/d3g0f4o

Here's my pixiv and DA if you wanna check it-
Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=315940
Deviantart: http://kxela.deviantart.com/

Check out the new Subtokyo video at my other channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/Subtokyo

You can support me as an artist: http://www.kxela.com/commission.html

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Madoka Drawing

The strange Madoka drawing I actually drew on the day of the March 11 Tohoku Japan Earthquake. Got done inking and coloring it recently.:3 ...is there a deep meaning to this??