
Kxela Works Blog! Your random source of entertainment of arts, anime, manga, games, arcade, pop culture straight from Tokyo! Or, at least for now! :D *Lately its been Hobby, Figures, Movies, and events...but I'll do more arts!

NEW Subtokyo Vlog

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Visit My Subtokyo Vlog on Blogger!!

I have started a new vlog called "Subtokyo" It is a Japanese Subculture vlog covering many things like anime, tech, food, subculture, and lots of cool things about Japan!

I have posted some of the videos here on Kxela works blog, but from now any Subtokyo posts will be at http://subtokyo.blogspot.com/ The official blog for Subtokyo videos.

Check it out, feel free to follow me there and subscribe to the videos on youtube!!

I'll still update this blog with fun stuff as well :D

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